
Main Products
Products Grade: ER70S-6,ER70S-6G
Specifications: φ5.5mm
Applied Standard:  Q/XG 119
Characteristics: While ER70S-6 and ER70S-6G is mainly used to produce various kinds of CO2 gas shielded welding wire,argon arc welding wire and submerged welding wire of dia 0.8~1.6mm.
Applications: Wire steel
Use of Products: The product strictly controlled chemical content and the inclusions. It has characteristics of low percentage of harmful elements and good surface quality. By rational controlling the chemical composition and optimizing rolling process, the drawing and welding properties of the wire rod are guaranteed. It also has characteristics of easy drawing and mould saving when using.And the development of wire rod of ER70S-6 was granted the third class award of scientific and technological improvement by Xingtai city.
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