
Company honor About Us>> Company honor
Xingtai Steel was named as "Advanced Unit of Emergency Man…

Xingtai Steel was named as "Advanced Unit of Emergency Management and Safety Production in Hebei Province  in 2023"

"Practice of Lean Six Sigma Innovation Management" by Xing…

"Practice of Lean Six Sigma Innovation Management" by Xingtai Steel was awarded the 21st (2023) Metallurgical Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement Award.

11KV substationⅡof Xing Steel's Energy and Power Departme…

At the "7th Hebei Province Outstanding Team Representative Meeting and Experience Exchange Meeting" organized by the Hebei Provincial Quality Culture Association, the typical practices and successful experiences of Xing Steel's team construction were unanimously recognized and highly praised by the on-site experts. 11KV substationⅡof Xing Steel's Energy and Power Department was honored with the title of "Outstanding Team of 2023 in Hebei Province"; three other teams, including the Continuous Casting Maintenance Electrical Team of the Steelmaking Plant, were honored with the title of "Advanced Team in Outstanding Team Construction of 2023 in Hebei Province ".

Xingtai Steel was rated as an "Advanced Unit in the Manage…

Xing Steel demonstrated outstanding performance in the management of metallurgical safety electronic document transmission systems and was recognized by the China Iron and Steel Industry Association as an advanced unit.

Xingtai Steel awarded“Outstanding Enterprise of quality m…

Xingtai Steel was awarded "Outstanding Enterprise of quality management in metallurgical industry of Hebei Province in 2023".

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