
Company honor About Us>> Company honor
Xing Steel was honored with the title of "Quality Innovati…

Xingtai Steel was recognized by the Hebei Provincial Quality Culture Association as the "Quality Innovation Activity Benchmark Unit in Hebei Province ".

Xingtai Steel awarded“Outstanding Organization Award of q…

Press conference on excellent achievements of quality management in metallurgical industry of Hebei Province was held in Shijiazhuang.Nine achievements of quality management were awarded. Xingtai Steel was awarded "Outstanding Organization Award of quality management in metallurgical industry of Hebei Province in 2022".

Xingtai Steel was named as "Advanced Unit of Emergency Man…

Xingtai Steel was named as "Advanced Unit of Emergency Management and Safety Production in Hebei Province  in 2022"

Xingtai Steel was selected as one of the model enterprises…

Xingtai Steel was invited to participate in the 6th representative meeting and experience exchange meeting about excellent gemba teams of Hebei Province.Xingtai Steel's practices were unanimously recognized and highly evaluated by the experts in this meeting.Two teams in coking plant and steel plant were selected as excellent teams of Hebei Province. Xingtai Steel was selected as one of the model enterprises building excellent gemba teams.

Xingtai Steel was named as "High-tech Enterprise" of Hebei…

Xingtai Steel was named as "High-tech Enterprise" of Hebei Province. This is the four time after awarded in 2013.

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