
Official Groundbreaking of the Steelmaking and Rolling Engineering for Xingtai Steel's Transformation, Upgrading, and Relocation Renovation Project
  Updatetime:2024-02-19 Hits:

  On February 18th, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Steelmaking and Rolling Engineering of Xingtai Steel's transformation, upgrading, and relocation renovation project was held. This event represents another milestone in the main construction project following the commencement of the Plant Front Area Project on January 16th. The Secretary of the Wei County Party Committee, Cui Yaopeng, the Chairman of Xingtai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Zhang Yuming, and the Deputy General Manager of China 20th Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd., Zhang Shiyan, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches respectively. The groundbreaking ceremony was conducted in conjunction with Wei County's first-quarter project kickoff for 2024, which involved a total of 28 projects with a combined investment of 9.72 billion yuan.

  The new Xingtai Steel, established in Wei County, will be developed into a world-class benchmark enterprise specializing in special steel, characterized by a short process and marked by 'openness, intelligence, green, agility, and integration'. The steelmaking and rolling area projects constructed by China 20th Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd. include multiple processes such as smelting, refining, continuous casting, billeting, and rolling. These are the most critical core procedures for the future of the new Xingtai Steel and are of paramount importance to the entire relocation project. They play a significant role in advancing the new Xingtai Steel's leadership in advanced manufacturing and in promoting the subsequent development of the special steel industry cluster in Wei County.




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